tree pruning

Reasons to work with a certified arborist for your tree needs

What could go wrong with DIY tree pruning? It saves money (theoretically) and doing it right can’t possibly be that difficult (also, theoretically). Put simply, if you have trees, you have a treasure and that’s exactly why you must resist the temptation to prune your trees yourself.

Amidst the hustle and stress of our everyday lives, it’s often difficult to slow down and take in what nature has to offer. The natural world is as close as your garden and, if you have even one tree there, you’re quite fortunate indeed. Trees stand as majestic living pillars, providing shade, oxygen, and tranquility to our world. Maintaining tree health and aesthetic appeal requires expertise. 

Your arborist has the training and experience to identify precisely what your particular tree needs to live a long, healthy life. One need shared by almost all trees is regular pruning. This process requires more than a set of limb loppers from the local big box hardware store and a ladder. DIY tree pruning comes with many potential pitfalls, some that can not only shorten the life of a tree but forever ruin its aesthetic appeal.

The Lure of DIY

Picture this: a sunny weekend, a pair of pruning shears, and your best intentions to sculpt your tree so that it looks just as nice as your neighbor’s tree. After all, Jim and Suzy paid an arborist to prune their trees. You can do the same thing for free, right?

While the enthusiasm is commendable, the consequences of DIY tree pruning can be disastrous. Without knowledge of proper techniques, tree biology, and potential risks (to the pruner and the tree), your well-intentioned efforts may inadvertently harm one of the most valuable and beautiful living things in your garden.

Dangers of Improper Pruning

  1. Health hazards for trees

Amateur pruning often leads to indiscriminate cutting and removing branches without an understanding for how this may impact the tree’s overall health. Removing the wrong branches, or too much of the right branch can expose the tree to diseases and pests, compromising its ability to fend off infections. 

An arborist, thoroughly educated about tree biology, understands how to selectively prune for optimal health and vitality.

  1. Structural instability

Trees have a delicate balance of branches that contribute to their structural integrity. Amateur pruning can upset this balance, jeopardizing the tree’s stability during storms or adverse weather conditions. Arborists possess the expertise to assess a tree’s structure and strategically prune to enhance stability. 

  1. Degraded aesthetic appeal

The enhanced aesthetic appeal of a professionally pruned tree is undeniable. However, achieving this requires an understanding of the tree’s natural form and grown patterns. DIY enthusiasts may inadvertently create an unsightly silhouette, leading to irreversible damage. Arborists can identify the particular needs of a wide array of tree varieties as well as add an artistic touch to the process. This ensures that each cut enhances the tree’s natural beauty.

  1. Risk of personal injury

Scaling heights with pruning tools and a tall ladder is a recipe for disaster. Falling branches, ladder instability, improper or absent safety equipment, and incorrect tool usage pose significant risks to personal safety. Arborists are equipped with the necessary safety gear and skills to navigate tree canopies securely.

Your Arborist Can Save the Day (and Your Tree)

  1. Precise pruning for health and longevity

Your arborist is trained to recognize signs of disease, decay, or stress in trees. Their precision pruning techniques target problematic areas while promoting overall tree health.

  1. Structural expertise

Understanding a tree’s structure is akin to deciphering its architectural blueprint. Arborists assess the balance of branches, identifying potential weaknesses and strategically pruning to enhance structural stability. This is particularly crucial in urban settings where trees coexist with structures and people. 

  1. Aesthetic Artistry

Beyond the science, arborists bring an artistic flair to their work. They prune with an eye for symmetry, balance, and the tree’s inherent beauty. The result is not just a healthy tree, but a visually appealing one, which complements its surroundings. 

When it comes to tree care, the allure of DIY pruning can lead to unintended consequences. To ensure the health, stability, and beauty of your arboreal companions, entrust the task to an expert arborist. Your arborist is like an unsung hero in the quest for a thriving and harmonious urban forest. 


Jarvis Tree Experts will assess your trees and discuss any concerns you may have

about them as well as your lawn and garden.


Originally posted 2024-01-30 17:54:18.

Originally posted 2024-01-30 17:54:18.